

  • 1月8~12日參訪「ASSITEJ韓國冬季藝術節」觀摩演出,參與「ATYA國際研討會」
    8th ~12th, January, participating in "The ASSITEJ Korea Winter Festival" and attending the "International Seminar of ATYA", in Korea
  • 7月10~12日參與香港「『童藝同艺』當代亞洲兒童劇藝發展研討會」,由國際演藝評論家協會
    10th ~12th, July, participating in "Let The Play Begin" Conference on Children's Theatre Arts in Asia (Hong Kong • 2010)", organized by IATC(International Association of Theatre Critics) (Hong Kong)
  • 7月26日~8月1日參訪韓國「ASSITEJ韓國夏日藝術節」觀摩演出
    26th, July ~1st, August, participating in "The ASSITEJ Korea Summer Festival"
  • 7月21~25日參訪日本「沖繩 國際兒童‧青少年演劇節」觀摩演出
    21st~25th, July, participating in International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audience (KIJIMUNA FESTA), Okinawa, Japan
  • 8月22日奧地利特利布利特劇團導演 海尼 布洛斯曼 Heinrich Brossmann來台舉辦工作坊研習及《想要月亮的公主》演出
    22nd, August, the Austrian director of Trittbrettl Theatre Mr. Heinirich Brossmann held the performance workshops and performed "The Princess Who Wanted the Moon" in Taiwan
  • 11月22~29日,克羅埃西亞麻辣辛辣Mala Scena劇團導演暨藝術總監應邀來台舉辦工作坊研習及「兒童戲劇的現在與未來」座談會
    22nd~29th, Nov., invited by SSSCPT, the Croatian director of Mala Scena Theatre Mr. Ivica Šimić held the performance workshops and the symposium with the main theme "Children Theatre of the Present and the Future" including brief introduction of official organization ASSITEJ and non-official organization Epicenter Theatre
  • 11月27日~12月5日參訪西班牙「托洛薩國際偶戲藝術節」觀摩演出
    27th, Nov. ~5th, Dec., participating in "International Puppet Theatre Festival of Tolosa" in Spain



  • 日本「沖繩 國際兒童‧青少年演劇節」演出《雪后與魔鏡》
    8th~9th, August, participating in International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audience (KIJIMUNA FESTA), Okinawa, Japan, Venue: Ashibina Citizen Theatre in KORINZA Mall, Play:【Snow Queen】
  • 2007

  • 4月5日及7日,「劇場組合」主辦,於香港藝術中心 麥高利小劇場 演出《醜小鴨歷險記》
    5th & 7th, April, organized and invited by PIP Theatre, Hong Kong, Venue: McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Play:【The Adventure of the Ugly Duckling】 Note: PIP means Pleasure, Imagination, and Play


  • 日本「沖繩國際兒童‧青少年演劇節」,於沖繩市中町公民館 演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in International Theater Festival OKINAWA for Young Audience (KIJIMUNA FESTA), Okinawa, Japan, Venue: Citizen Hall in Okinawa City, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 西班牙「托洛薩偶戲藝術節」演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Tolosa International Puppet Theatre Festival, Venue: Herri Antzoik, Ordizia & Auditorio Gorosable, Tolosa, Spain, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 香港明日劇團引介及主辦,參與「國際綜藝闔家歡藝術節」,於香港牛池灣文娛中心、西灣河文娛中心演出《淘氣娃娃夢神仙》
    11th ~12th, 18th ~20th, March, participating in International Arts Carnival, Hong Kong, Organized and invited by Mingri Institute of Art Education, Venue: Ngau Chi Wan Civic Center and Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, H.K., Play:【God of Dreams】
  • 廣州木偶劇團成立廣州木偶藝術中心,應邀演出《俏皮娃娃夢之神》
    9th~ 10th, 12th~15th, Feb., organized and invited by Guanzhou Puppet Troupe of China, which founded the Guanzhou Puppet Art Center of China, Guan Zhou, China, Play:【God of Dreams】
  • 2004

  • 韓國 「2004漢城兒童表演藝術節暨2004亞洲兒童青少年戲劇藝術節」演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Seoul Performing Arts Festival for Young Audiences, 2004&Asian Theatre Festival for Young Audiences, 2004, Seoul, Korea, Venue: KCAF Arts Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 韓國 「2004春川國際偶戲藝術節」演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Puppet Festival Chuncheon, Chuncheon, Korea, Venue: Chuncheon Puppet Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 大陸 「上海蘭心大劇院」演出《小木偶與金鑰匙》
    Venue: Lyceum Theatre, Shanghai, China, Play:【The Pinocchio and the Golden Key】
  • 2003

  • 大陸廣州市木偶皮影藝術節與廣州市木偶藝術中心主辦,參與金獅獎第二屆全國木偶皮影比賽,於廣州市南方劇院 演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Organized and invited by Guanzhou Puppet & Shadow Art Festival and Guanzhou Puppet Art Center of China, Guan Zhou, China, Participating in the 2nd National Puppet & Shadow Competition of Golden Lion Prize, Venue: Guanzhou South Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 捷克 Ostrava市「第5屆『Spectacular Interesse』藝術節」,捷克Ostrava市立偶劇院主辦,演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in the 5th Spectacular Interesse Festival, Ostrava, Czech, Organized by Ostrava Puppet Theatre, Czech Republic, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 奧地利MOKI兒童劇團主辦,於維也納市參與「第16屆MOKI兒童藝術節」,於維也納史懷哲館演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    The 16th MOKI Children's Festival, Vienna, Austria, Organized and invited by MOKI Theatre (Mobiles Theater für KInder), Vienna, Austria, Venue: Albert Schweitzer Museum, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 香港2003社區文化大使計畫-「合家歡戲偶大串燒」,明日藝術教育機構主辦,擔任「故事媽媽戲偶天地」高級課程導師
    Participating in "Cultural Ambassador of Community, 2003" Project, Hong Kong, Organzied and invited by Ming Ri Institution for Arts Education, The General Director of Educational Activity of SSSCPT organized the story telling workshops for a number of story-telling ladies.
  • 2002

  • 斯洛維尼亞Ljubljana市參與「Ljubljana城市藝術節」,於Ljubljana偶劇場演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Ljubljana Festival of City, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Venue: Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 斯洛維尼亞Maribor市「夏之夢停靠的碼頭~第13屆國際偶戲藝術節」,演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in the 13th Summer Puppet Pier, MARIBOR Festival, Maribor, Slovenia, Venue: Maribor Puppet Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 克羅埃西亞Šibenik市「第42屆國際兒童藝術節」於Šibenik偶劇場開幕演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in the 42nd International Children's Festival, and its opening performance, Šibenik, Croatia, Venue: Sibenik Puppet Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 克羅埃西亞Osijek市「夏日文化節」於Osijek偶劇場,戲劇類首場演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Summer Culture Festival, Osijek, and its first performance of Theatre, Croatia, Venue: Osijek Puppet Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 香港「國際綜藝闔家歡藝術節」,香港明日劇團主辦,於香港九龍牛池灣文娛中心及香港西灣河文娛中心演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in International Arts Carnival, Hong Kong, Organized and invited by Mingri Institute of Art Education, Venue: Ngau Chi Wan Civic Center and Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 新加坡「華族文化藝術節」,新加坡報業控股、福建文化會館文化藝術團主辦,於維多利亞劇院演出《冒險金銀島》
    Participating in Chinese Cultural Festival, Singapore, Organized by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH)& Singapore Hokkien Huay Arts & Cultural Troupe, Venue: Victoria Theatre, Singapore, Play:【The Adventure of Treasure Island】
  • 2001

  • 本團藝術總監及教育活動總監前往馬來西亞,擔任「馬來西亞兒童戲劇與戲偶」工作坊教師,全國華團文化諮詢委員會主辦
    Participating the Malaysian Children's Theatre and Puppet Workshops, Malaysia, Organized by National Chinese Culture Committee of Council Workshops: The Art Director Mr. Ju, Shu Ming and General Director of Educational Activity Ms. Huang, Tswei Hwa in SSSCPT act as the instructors for the below workshops. Part One: Children's Theatre and Puppets for Teachers Part Two: Creative Puppet Workshop for Family Part Three: Professional Puppet Workshop for Theatre persons
  • 2000

  • 美國紐約中華新聞文化中心台北劇場,行政院文化建設委員會主辦,演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Invited by Chinese Information and Culture Center, New York, USA, Organized by Council of Cultural Affair, Executive Yuan, Venue: Taipei Theatre, New York, USA, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 1999

  • 加拿大BC省素里市藝術中心《東郭獵人狼》
    Venue: Surry Art Center, BC Province, Canada, Play:【Tongkwo, Hunters, and the Wolf】
  • 1998

  • 美國舊金山山麓學院,演出《畫貓的小和尚》
    Invited by Chinese Wisdom Language School in San Francisco, USA, Venue: Foothill College Smitchwic Theatre, Play:【The Little Monk Who Paints Cats】
  • 加拿大BC省素里市藝術中心,演出《畫貓的小和尚》
    Invited by Art Center in Surry City, BC Province, Canada, Play:【The Little Monk Who Paints Cats】
  • 1997

  • 捷克布拉格【夢之神】
    Venue: NA ZABRADLF Theatre, Prague, Czech, Republic, Play: 【God of Dreams】
  • 1996

  • 新加坡「華族文化藝術節」於新加坡大會堂演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in Chinese Cultural Festival, Singapore, Organized by Practice Performing Arts School, Singapore, Venue: Singapore Assembly Hall, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 美國舊金山山麓學院演出《小公主與大老虎》
    Invited by Chinese Wisdom Language School in San Francisco, USA, Venue: Foothill College, San Francisco, USA, Play:【The Little Princess and the Giant Tiger】
  • 美國加州佛斯特市演出《東郭‧獵人‧狼》
    Invited by Chinese Wisdom Language School in San Francisco, USA, Venue: City Council Chamber, Foster City in California, Play:【Tongkwo, Hunters, and the Wolf】
  • 1995

  • 烏克蘭「第三屆基輔國際偶戲藝術節」演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Participating in the 3rd International Puppet Theatre of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 美國紐約中華新聞文化中心台北劇場,演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Invited by Chinese Information and Culture Center, New York, USA, Organized by Council of Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, Venue: Taipei Theatre, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】, New York, USA
  • 美國舊金山山麓學院,演出《城隍爺傳奇》
    Invited by Chinese Wisdom Language School in San Francisco, USA, Venue: FootHill College Smitchwic Theatre, Los Altos, USA, Play:【The Magistrate of the Dead】
  • 1991

  • 烏克蘭「第一屆基輔國際偶戲藝術節」,基輔國立偶劇團主辦,演出《東郭‧獵人‧狼》
    Participating in the 1st International Puppet Theatre of Kiev Organized by National Puppet Theatre of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine, Play:【Tongkwo, Hunters, and the Wolf】
  • 1988

  • 奧地利維也納「史懷哲館」演出《剪刀‧石頭‧布》
    Organized by MOKI Theatre for Kid, Vienna, Austria, Venue: Albert Schweitzer Museum, Play:【Scissors, Stone, and Cloth】